“All day long there’d been papers” Keystone Poets Anthology, Penn State University Press (forthcoming, May 2025).

“Color at the Window” The Adirondack Review, (forthcoming, 2025).

“Murder” The Adirondack Review, (forthcoming, 2025).

“Shelf Life.” Sheila-Na-Gig Online (forthcoming, 2025)

“On the Artist Weathering a Storm.” Gargoyle (forthcoming, 2025)

“The Wounded Angel.” Gargoyle (forthcoming, 2025).

“Warren Harding’s Last Words.” The Loch Raven Review, (forthcoming, 2025).

“Sunday Night, on the Patio, with the Fall of Icarus.” The Loch Raven Review, (forthcoming, 2025).

“Not Cooking Like My Mother.” Chiron Review, (forthcoming, 2025).

“I Told My Wife I Killed Something.” Chiron Review, (forthcoming, 2025).

“The Dutch Room Couple.” Heimat Review, (forthcoming, 2025).

“The Second Offer.” What the House Knows Anthology, Terrapin Books,  2025.

“I see the silver frames atop.” Naugatuck River Review, 2025.

Poem for the Study for the Programme” Heimat Review, no. 8, Fall 2024.

Learning to Care” The Hopper 

Elegy for the Street-facing Side of a HouseBear Paw Arts Journal.

Going BaldInnisfree Poetry Journal.

The CountInnisfree Poetry Journal.

Would you recognize a Flinck?” Grey Sparrow Journal.

 “$56,800ONE Art Poetry Journal.

BananasThe Broadkill Review, (Summer 2024).

“Kill Shot” Chiron Review, (2024).

“When the Universe Speaks” Chiron Review, (2024).

Procession on a Road Near FlorenceThe Shore, (2024).

Who carries photos in walletsThe Shore, (2024).

“Turkeys” Poetry East, 109 (Spring 2024): 36.

After Cooking Like My GrandfatherThird Wednesday, (Summer 2024).

Respect the SawThird Wednesday, (Summer 2024).

PlutoJuniper, 2024.

She stabbed the hermit crabBarely South Review, 2024.

Learning the Green Light from My SonThe Museum of Americana, 2024)

Bronze SongGargoyle, (2024).

RestlessGargoyle, (2024).

Body Found at Recycling Plant, Crushed By Garbage TruckStoneboat (Fall 2023)

Obituary for a DH-less National LeagueThe Twin Bill (2023).

Ichthyosaur,Slippery Elm (2023): 31-32.

One of Us,” Halfway Down the Stairs (2023).

“Local Color,” San Pedro River Review 15.2 (2023): 71-72.

“The Subject,” The Comstock Review 37.1 (2023): 57.

“Catsitting For My Mother-in-Law” Purr & Yowl Anthology, Concrete Mist Press, (2023).

“When the dead dance down that” Cloudbank, 17 (2023): 54.

“We were drinking at midnight” Slipstream, (2023).

 “On Not Hunting Cribsy’s Land Again This Year With My Kin” I-70 Review, (2023).

 “Imagining Rembrant, 1633Whale Road Review, (2023).

The cats have agreed to give usScapegoat Review, (summer, 2023).

On a Tuesday, my son and I are screaming” Sheila-Na-Gig online, 7.4. summer 2023. [Selected for Editor’s Choice Award]

Shotgun WillieSheila-Na-Gig online,7.4. summer 2023.

“Boy on a Train” Tar River Poetry, 62.2 (spring 2023).

The Weight of LossPhiladelphia Stories, (2023). [Named an Honorable Mention in the Sandy Crimmins Prize for Poetry]

An Abandoned 3rd-Grade Math ProblemCider Press Review, (2023).

Fighting Dinosaurs,Third Wednesday (summer 2023).

The Day Baseball Taught Third GradeThe Twin Bill, (2023). [Winner of the inaugural E. Ethelbert Miller Prize in Poetry] 

Smoking PSAOrange Blossom Review, (Winter 2023).

“Sorry, We’re Closed for Good” Plainsongs, (Winter 2023).

“On Rembrandt’s A Lady and Gentleman in BlackBroad River Review, 54 Winter 2023): 118.

What I Was Told About Being a ManWest Trade Review, (Winter 2022).

“I have never held a gun” Poet Lore, (2022).

“Drum Lessons With Ringo” Slipstream, (summer 2022).

One day my father’s fatherInnisfree Poetry Journal, (fall 2022).

Essential WorkerPQ Poem (2022).

Swing Like StrawberryThe Twin Bill (summer 2022).                                                      

“When DADDY drinks too much” San Pedro River Review, vol. 14, no. 2, (2022).

On the Time I Got Myself Pinned Beneath Our TVSheila-Na-Gig Online (2022).

IntimatesSheila-Na-Gig Online (2022).

The Discovery of Strength Through the Ways of My SonWhale Road Review, (summer 2022).

“Tonight I’ve dragged the old car seats” Hiram Poetry Review, Iss. 83, (Spring 2022): 15-16.

Confidence ManSheila-Na-Gig Online, (Winter 2021).

“Doo Wop Dream.” Paterson Literary Review #50 (2022).

“Birthright” Lily Poetry Review, (Winter 2021/2022): 91.

“The Card Trick” Lily Poetry Review, (Winter 2021/2022): 90.

“Coming Home For Dinner” Lily Poetry Review, (Winter 2021/2022): 92.

“Sometimes I feel” Poetry East, (Autumn 2021).

Abandoned Boat” Valparaiso Poetry Review (Fall/Winter 2021).

“The Melting Point” Broad River Review, (2021).

Starling in the Furnace Room.” The Westchester Review (Winter 2021).

“Salting the Driveway (with Help).” North Dakota Quarterly vol. 88, no. 3 & 4, (Fall/Winter 2021).

“The Bones.” Tar River Poetry (Fall 2021).

“One boy drinks while the other.” Whistling Shade (2021): 12.

“Hiking the Spectrum.” The Hollins Critic vol. 58, iss. 4 (2021): 21.

“The Night John Lennon Was Killed.” Slipstream vol. 41 (2021): 32.

“When Kurt Cobain killed himself.” Slipstream vol. 41 (2021): 33.

“Hide and Seek.” I-70 Review (Summer/Fall 2021): 70.

“Job Description.” THINK: A Journal of Poetry, Fiction, and Essays vol.11, No. 2 (Summer/Fall 2021): 7.

“Traffic Jam.” The Comstock Review 35.1 (Fall, 2021): 67.

“Talking Over a Classic Rock FM Station.” Pembroke Magazine (Iss. 53, 2021): 24.

“Blessing.” Third Wednesday, vol. 14, iss. 3 (June, 2021): 78.

The Batter.The Night Heron Barks (Spring 2021).

“Story Told in Sevenlings.” San Pedro River Review vol. 13, No. 1 (Spring 2021): 75.

“My Wife Returns to the Pew After Communion.” Main Street Rag vol. 16, No. 1 (Winter 2021): 46.

“Pulling Off the Outlet Covers.” Main Street Rag vol. 16, No. 1(Winter 2021): 45.

“The Good Son.” Main Street Rag vol. 16, No. 1 (Winter 2021): 47.

Omen.” Hamilton Stone Review Vol. 43 (Fall 2020).

Promises.” Hamilton Stone Review Vol. 43 (Fall 2020).

The Vanity of it All.” Hamilton Stone Review Vol. 43 (Fall 2020).

Witness.” Split Rock Review Vol. 15 (Fall 2020).

“To The Last.” the Aurorean Vol. XXV (Summer 2020): 44.

“Living with a sick spouse.” Paterson Literary Review (#48, 2020):218-19.

“Driving to the Jeweler’s Shop.” Paterson Literary Review (#48, 2020): 217.

“For ‘Snowflake.’” Paterson Literary Review (#48, 2020): 216

The Reflection and the Swan.” Albatross (issue 29, 2019).

Losing the Bed.” One (by Jacar Press) Issue 21.

“Cleaning Out the Basement Closet.” Tar River Poetry 59.2 (2020): 35.

“After Dinner.” Tule Review (2020) :16.

“Restoration.” Stoneboat 10.1 (Fall 2019): 135.

“The Frame Maker’s Hands.” Flint Hills Review 24 (spring/summer 2019): 9.

He Plants Seeds.” Valparaiso Poetry Review (Volume XXI, No. 1, Fall/Winter 2019-2020).

“Learning the Hard Way.” Common Ground Review 21.1 (2019): 17.

Forecast.” Cider Press Review 21.3 (Spring/Summer 2019).

“Therapy.” Chiron Review 117 117 (Winter 2019): 37.

“The Moment.” the Aurorean 24.2 (Fall/Winter 2019): 40.

“Toast.” Poet Lore 114.3 (Fall/Winter 2019): 38.

I hear my father’s voice.” Rockvale Review (Issue 5, 2019).

Buying Ice at the Wawa for My Wife.” Nashville Review 29: (Summer, 2019).

“Learning to be Still.” Third Wednesday 12.3 (June 2019): 72.

“The Weekend.” Chiron Review 115 (Spring 2019): 76.

“Classic Kindergarten Scene.” Allegro Poetry iss. 20 (Spring 2019).

“The Second Offer.” Broad River Review 51 (Spring 2019). [Finalist for the Ron Rash Award in Poetry.]

“Elegy for My Cousin Laura.” Pembroke Magazine 51 (Spring 2019): 109. [Nominated for a 2020 Best New Poets Anthology.]

“Moving Day.” Pembroke Magazine 51 (Spring 2019): 108.

The Blue Hour.” Ninth Letter (web edition). Winter 2019.

“Sing, Cardinal.” the Aurorean (Fall/Winter 2018): 23.

Geese.” Canary: A Journal of Environmental Crisis (2018).

“I sit in the passenger seat.” Sugar House Review (Winter 2018).

“Rattails.” Poetry East 95 (Fall 2018): 143.

“The Worm.” Poetry East 95 (Fall 2018): 142.

“Superstition.” Tar River Poetry (Fall 2018): 19.

Every night after supper.” Typehouse Literary Magazine Vol. 5.3, Iss. 15 (2018):  10.

The Science Teacher.” Canary: A Journal of Environmental Crisis 42 (Fall 2018).

Hunting Season.” Innisfree Poetry Journal 27 (2018).

Summer Ending.” Innisfree Poetry Journal 27 (2018). 

“Crows Siren.” Common Ground Review 20.1 (Spring/Summer 2018): 24.

Day Breaking.” Mud Season Review (2018).

“House Bird.” The Hollins Critic 15.3 (June 2018): 21.

“For Joe, Who Showed Us All.” Salamander 46 (Spring/Summer 2018): 79.

“The Way Home from Meet-the-teacher Night.” The Aurorean 23.1 (Spring/summer 2018): 22.

“Roll Call.” Gravel: A Literary Journal (May 2018).

“Recess.” Gravel: A Literary Journal (May 2018).

“A Creation Story.” Poet Lore 113.1/2 (Spring/Summer 2018): 49.

Palimpsest.” Cumberland River Review 7.2 (2018). [Nominated for a 2019 Best New Poets Anthology.]

“Dumping Leaves.” Third Wednesday 9.2 (Spring 2018). [Winner of Third Wednesday‘s 2017 annual poetry contest.] 

“Fire Safety Week.” The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review 27.3 (Fall 2017): 7.

Commercial for a Midlife Crisis.” Crack the Spine Issue 227 (2017). Reprinted in Crack the Spine Anthology Volume 17 (2018). [Nominated for a 2018 Best of the Net Award.]

“Once by the Atlantic.” Evening Street Review 17 (Autumn 2017):  12.

The Cough.” Word Fountain (Fall/Winter 2017): 29.

The Silence.” Word Fountain (Fall/Winter 2017): 30.

The Last Words of My Neighbor.” Word Fountain (Fall/Winter 2017): 31.

“There should always be two.” Kestrel 37 (2017): 10.

“I’m Sorry.” Third Wednesday (Autumn 2017): 85.

“First Time on the Ice.” Third Wednesday (Autumn 2017): 68.

“November Weather Spell.” The Comstock Review 31.1 (Spring/Summer 2017): 20.

“Some Elsie.” Flint Hills Review 22 (2017): 98.

Lion Dream.” Cider Press Review 19.2 (2017).

“Supply Chain.” 3Elements Review Issue 15 (summer 2017): 14.

“The Garden.” Chiron Review 107 (Spring 2017): 59.

“The Shell.” Blueline 38 (2017): 71.

“Things Like This Happen.” Rust + Moth (summer 2017). Reprinted in Rusted Moth (Summer 2017): 26.

“What Killed the Cat?” Rust + Moth (summer 2017). Reprinted in Rusted Moth (Summer 2017): 27.

“The Wind.” Albatross (January 2017): 17.

“Return to the Country.” San Pedro River Review 9.1 (Spring 2017): 70.

“The Art of Writhing.” Pembroke Magazine. 49 (2017): 17.

“Morning Love Song.” Tule Review (2017): 21.

The Optimist.” Off the Coast (Fall 2016): 38. [Republished on Autumn Sky Poetry DAILY on May 16, 2022]

“Mother Love.” Third Wednesday 9.4 (Fall 2016): 28.

Cicadas.” About Place Journal (October 2016).

“The Last Light of Dusk.” Pennsylvania English ( 2016).

“Fine Work.” Pennsylvania English (2016).

Woman at the Automat.” Glassworks (Iss. 13, Fall 2016): 56.

Clarinet Man.” Glassworks (Iss. 13, Fall 2016): 54.

“Frozen Fields.” Common Ground Review 18.1 (Spring/Summer 2016): 32.

“The Installer.” Chiron Review (Summer 2016).

Once Each Year We’d See Them Dance.” Philadelphia Stories (Summer 2016).

“Green Fire.” Spillway. 24 (Summer 2016). 20.

“Expecting.” the Aurorean 21.1 (Spring/Summer 2016): 55.

“Just War.” the Aurorean 21.1 (Spring/Summer 2016): 54.

Confrontation.” Conclave. (“Writing for Change issue,” Spring 2016): 9-10.

“The Seamstress.” Conclave. (“Writing for Change issue,” Spring 2016): 23.

Pastoral.” Kudzu House Quarterly 5.4 (Winter Solstice Issue 2015). Reprinted in Kudzu House Quarterly Print Volume 5 (2015): 167.

Two Does.” Kudzu House Quarterly 5.4 (Winter Solstice Issue 2015). Reprinted in Kudzu House Quarterly Print Volume 5 (2015): 167.

How I Learned My Future Wife Liked Jane Austen.” Allegro Poetry (Iss.8, Spr. 2016).

An Empty Playground.” Apeiron Review (Winter/Spring 2016).

“Outhouse.” Straight Forward Poetry (December 2015).

“Raccoon.” Third Wednesday (Fall 2015): 18.

“Suburban Scene.” Third Wednesday (Fall 2015): 16.

“Silver Birch in Spring.” Straylight 9.1 (Spring 2015): 80.

“Autumnal Mourning.” The Meadow (2012): 101.

“Service Record.” The Chaffin Review (2011): 46.

“Day Poet.” The WestWard Quarterly (Spring 2011): 8.

“A Simple Ratio.” The Laconic 1 (Spring 2010). 16.

“After an Ice Storm.” Plain Spoke 4.1 (Spring 2010): 31.

“At Home, on an Autumn Evening.” the Aurorean 12.2 (Fall/Winter 2007-2008): 34.